Grooms Rent Free with a Group of 4 or More!

When will my formal wear order arrive?

To estimate delivery time before placing an order, use our Delivery Date Estimator.

To check for a tracking number on an existing order, go to My Account > Orders and check the order in question for a status and tracking number (if the order has been shipped).

Orders placed with us will have different arrival times depending on how soon your event is, what shipping method you choose, and what time and date you place your order.

Orders Placed With Ground Shipping

Your tuxedo shipment will be timed to arrive 10-14 days before your event, as long as you order at least 12 days in advance. If you are ordering sooner than that, you will need to select an express shipping option at checkout to ensure you receive your tuxedo in time.

Orders Placed With Expedited Shipping

for orders placed with overnight, 2-day or 3-day shipping – your order will be shipped within 2 days of being placed. We provide alterations to ensure a great fit for the sizes or measurements you provide us with, which is why it can take up to 2 days before your order ships, it could be less depending on volume. A good way to estimate your arrival date is to add two days to your expedited shipping option:

  • Overnight Shipping may arrive up to 3 days after ordering (4 days If order placed after 4pm EST)
  • 2-Day Shipping may arrive up to 4 days after ordering (5 days if order placed after 4pm EST)
  • 3-Day Shipping may arrive up to 5 days after ordering (6 days if order placed after 4pm EST)

For a precise date on your tuxedo arrival, we will email you with a Fedex or UPS tracking number once your tuxedo ships. You may also login to your account to view your order status and tracking number.

You can CLICK HERE FOR FEDEX GROUND MAP below to help you in your selection of your shipping option.




© 2025 National Tuxedo Rentals