Grooms Rent Free with a Group of 4 or More. See Offer

This is Why We Deliver Tuxedos 10-14 Days Early.

Bad things can happen when you rent a tux from a chain store. Consider this quote:

“The tux doesn’t fit and the wedding is in an hour and a half”


A twitter user posted a picture of themselves looking rather unhappy in what appears to be a large menswear store chain. We decided to share the tweet/image here, but remove any identifying information about the person and their twitter account – out of respect for their privacy.

An unhappy twitter user looks dismayed in his selfie taken at the menswear store.

We felt this was an important thing to share, as it illustrates a very real and very common issue in the formalwear rental market. Because local / chain rental stores don’t carry much stock – they are primarily showrooms. They dont even have your tuxedo at the store when you pay for the rental. Rental stores typically request specifically sized items on demand from a remote warehouse that is elsewhere.  What does this result in? Customers dont get their tuxedos until last minute. And if the tux doesnt fit, well…? Someone had better hustle to that remote warehouse.

We Deliver Your Tuxedo(s) To Your Door 10-14 Days Early

We have so many reasons to do this, too. Our primary reason is to give you time to try on your tux, and if it doesnt fit – there is still plenty of time to ensure you have a fitting tux, with time to spare!

Also, for customers who will be travelling for a destination event (think beach weddings, and the like) – 5-day early delivery ensures that you can have your tux shipped to your house before you depart for your event. 

So, take this example as a cautionary tale. We have great prices that significantly under-cut the rental chain rates, and our top-notch delivery policy ensures you won’t have to deal with any last-minute sizing issues. We’ll have you taken care of, we’ve got you covered (in a great looking tux!).

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National Tuxedo Rentals




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